Database Modifications for X.509 Support 1. Proposal ------------- To add X.509 authentication to the RIPE Database. 2. Changes to the key-cert class -------------------------------- The key-cert class will be altered to allow both PGP and X.509 certificates to be represented. PGP certificates will remain the same. X.509 certificates will have the following attributes: - "key-cert:" will be of the form X509-nnn, where nnn is a unique number assigned by the database. (See "Primary key for X.509 KEY-CERT objects" below.) - "method:" will be X509. - "owner:" will be the Distinguished Name (DN) of the certificate. Sometimes this is called the certificate subject. - "fingerpr:" will be the MD5 fingerprint of the certificate. - "certif:" will contain the ASCII representation of the X.509 certificate. The "fingerpr:" attribute will become an inverse key. The format and meaning of all other attributes remain unchanged. Example of an X.509 KEY-CERT object: key-cert: X509-42 method: X509 owner: /C=NL/O=RIPE NCC/OU=Members/CN=eu.ripe-ncc.shane/ fingerpr: D5:92:29:08:F8:AB:75:5F:42:F5:A8:5F:A3:8D:08:2E certif: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- certif: MIID/DCCA2WgAwIBAgICAIQwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQAwcTELMAkGA1UEBhMCRVUx certif: EDAOBgNVBAgTB0hvbGxhbmQxEDAOBgNVBAoTB25jY0RFTU8xHTAbBgNVBAMTFFNv . . . certif: hZNmF5c/d0gauqvL+egb+3V+Zg+sJTzHMVKQLF1ybWgJjU75Pi+mO7BG0zsQ13pT certif: YxuZCR2W15nwt7zLiHtmfw== certif: -----END CERTIFICATE----- remarks: Sample Key Certificate notify: mnt-by: RIPE-DBM-MNT changed: 20040101 source: RIPE 3. Primary key for X.509 KEY-CERT objects ----------------------------------------- The "key-cert:" attribute is the primary key of KEY-CERT objects. This will be given a generated value that is the object ID. X.509 object IDs are auto-generated similar to the way person/role "nic-hdl:" attributes are auto-generated. For new KEY-CERT objects, the user must use AUTO- during creation of the object, it will then it will be assigned an appropriate ID. The key-cert ID cannot be reused. If a key-cert ID was used in the past by a KEY-CERT object and then deleted, this ID cannot be used in new KEY-CERT objects. Using a unique identifier is different from the PGP object IDs. In PGP, the key ID is used as part of the object ID (specified in RFC 2726). This is a 32-bit value, expressed in hexadecimal. There are several problems with this. Collisions occur (*), and keys can be spoofed (**). This is less of a problem with X.509 because it uses much longer fingerprints; however, in any system where the source of the fingerprint is passed to other users the possibility exists of a third party adding the certificate to the database. 4. Change to the "auth:" attribute ---------------------------------- The "auth:" attribute is present in MNTNER and IRT objects, and specifies the authentication scheme of the maintainer. The following additional value will be added: X509- Strong scheme of authentication. This string is the same one that is used in the corresponding KEY-CERT object's "key-cert:" attribute. 5. Change to authentication --------------------------- When a maintainer specifies an X.509 KEY-CERT object the signature, using the private key associated with the certificate contained in the KEY-CERT object, will authenticate that maintainer. 6. Changes to e-mail processing ---------------------------- S/MIME messages will be accepted. S/MIME messages must not be encrypted; an encrypted message will be rejected as invalid input. Either the whole message may be an S/MIME signed message or one MIME part may contain an S/MIME signed message. S/MIME may be used fully, partially, or not at all with other authentication mechanisms. Therefore, it is acceptable to receive a message that is an S/MIME signed message which has been further signed by PGP, or an S/MIME message may be forwarded with the addition of a password at the outer level. 7. Changes to synchronous updates --------------------------------- The server will accept SSL connections with any client side certificate, this certificate will be used to authenticate any updates. (*) (**)