==================================================== RIPE 46 Meeting Amsterdam, the Netherlands 1 - 5 September, 2003 Date: Tuesday, 2 September 2003 Time: 16.00 - 17.30 Location: Grand Ballroom chair: Peter Koch WG: DN* WG scribe: ziya ==================================================== Administrative stuff: ====================== Jaap opened the wg to excuse himself and to give the mike to Peter Koch. Peter did the intro, explaining the DN* name. (Domain Names in Everything) Also, he went into the agenda, that they have tried to standardize so that they can have the same topics in the different meetings, with some topics that happened to come up in standard "other presentation" slots. Then the agenda for Thursday was discussed a bit. They were discussing the charter and what the charter would be, if there was a draft (not really) and if the agenda would be the basis, with the recurrent parts. Agenda: ======= - Charter, agenda bashing - welcome speech Daniel Karrenberg: Do we have a draft charter Jim Reid: Peter had a draft charter 6 months ago, but it needs to be discussed anyway. Asked for feed back. Olaf Kolkman: Shouldn't the discussions here be the basis for charter. JR and DK:please read discussions on the mailing list and feedback. Peter Koch: Agenda for Thursday. PK: Asked if there are any questions. DK: Corrected an agenda item, Peter will change that. Andrej Bartosiewic, Experiance in Polland: ========================================== - IDN Registration - Sep. 11 6AM start. then first come fist served. - There is an Internet draft describing rules - Only Polish char. set is allowed. - Influence on .PL - Example EPP - On registration website xn-- notation will be forced. - Press releases - Main channel will be registrars - Schedule - Questions: Rob Blokzijl: Question about bills. The domain names are sent with funny names (IDN) this may cause confusion in big companies for examples. Andrej Bartosiewic: We expect our Registrars to send invoices with polish characters. Kim Davis, CENTR Activities =========================== - what is CENTR? - Best Practice - IDN Deployment Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries The aim is to be to domain names what RIPE NCC is to IP addresses. They are creating a document with best practices for tld's which is likely to be seen as a minimal requirements documents. They also work with IDN, October in Sweden and September in Poland, the tld's are planning to go live with IDN. Trials are going on for other countries. This is to show how it can be done and people will feel more secure about using IDN After the intro Kim gave the mike to some of their members. Short reports from Japan, Poland and Germany. No questions were raised - Registry Updates : Japan (Yasuhiro 'Orange' Morishita) ----------------------------------- - Topics - Japanies Domain name .jp - Avaliable characters - Service Migration to IDN standards - Schedule - Technical updates of .jp DNS servers - Unifying hostnames of .jp dns servers - E.dns.jp (formerly known as ns.wide.ad.jp) - Future plans - Related links In Japan it is now possible (since July 10) to register Japanese domain names (in Japanese characters), in compliance with icann standards. Hirogana, katakana and part of Kanji is supported. Based on JIS (Japanese Industry Standard). Both punycode and RACE encodings are used currently in the slow roll-over to punycode exclusively. (after september 3) They are checking out options of moving the .jp tld servers to their own networks to create a more resilient environment. Anycast is one of the options they are looking at. - Questions: JR: Problems with different character sets Answer: Assured then a launch can be done smoothly DK: I was impressed by your schedule on pnycode. The plugin update time frame was very narrow. Didn't any one complained. Answer: i-Nav's plugin will be upgraded automatically, Audience: What's the percentage of ASCII vs IDN Answer: 500K all / 50K.IDN\ so 10% Polland (Andrej Bartosiewic) ---------------------------- - There is an Internet draft for pl TLD. - Remarks from registrars: polish registrars had problems about developing sw. German registrars had no problems. - During January RIPE meeting ISO Quality Certificate. It is possible to get an ISO9001 for the registry. We had an preliminary Administration/Technical audit. If any body wants to learn about our experiences, please let me know. - ENUM registrars will be telecoms by law - Planning to sign agreements with Secondary name server operators DK: Any discussion about ENUM? Answer: ISPs generally no t interested. In 1st October there will be a regulation, and only Telecoms will be only authority. DK: Are there ISP to provide services. Answer: No interest from ISP Carsten Schiefner: It is hard to understand the regulation. Answer: Regulators thinks Telecoms should do it only. Carsten: Any reason? DK: Don't shoot the messenger! Answer: Some operators put pressure on registration authority, and there are authentication concerns. Carsten: How would that comply with European regulations, but thats another story. Answer: I agree. There is a new minister for this now. Now we are hoping there will be an other solution. Summary: Poland they used EPP, they started with 15 registrant and are now working with the next 60. They adapted EPP to the Polish situation, there was a presentation about it in the DNR forum previously. There are some German registrars, they were sent the standards and there have been no problems. They are trying to get the quality of the DNS servers up so they are secondarying for some organisations. The bigger ISP's are not so interested in ENUM, number portability will be possible in October in Poland and that is more important atm. Telcom operators are interested in ENUM though, although not too much either. Germany (DENIC: Andreas BaB - Board member) ------------------------------------------- - ENUM - Trying to push people to use ENUM - IDN - IPv6 - DNS Improvements - Developed an appliance to collect statistics. - Realtime Registry - Provide some thing like the RIPE model, with email and LIRPORtal DK: What is realtime registry? Answer: Providing online interface to register domains apart from email. - No other questions. Summary: ENUM, the german domain has been delegated and now the legal documents have also been signed. They want to bring ENUM users and developers together at their 23rd of September meeting. IDN; they are registering the IDN, but they are working on a testbed now to get it to work. They also need to change the software for all the registrars. IPv6, they are adding AAAA glue in Q4/2003. Checks and the option for everyone should appear in 2004. They are starting to implement anycasted nameservers. They are working on "realtime registry" which should speed up delegation of domains. (instant domains!) Daniel Karrenberk(http://dnsmon.ripe.net/) ========================================== DK: Who has seen DNS mon? 20% raised hands. 60 locations try each of the root servers 1 time per minute and they report how well the servers did. If a root cannot be reached from different locations, there is probably something wrong, If only from one of 2, it is probably a location dependent problem. Info is available on http://dnsmon.ripe.net/ - Presenting a plot graph. - It is about monitoring DNS servers. - Started from a press release which wasn't reflecting the facts. - We have TTM all over the planet so we can use them for DNS probes as well - on the plot Checking K-root - response times are ploted, 55 measurements put in a plot. - You can also plot loses. - What you can see is vertical strikes shows problems - Another plot in terms of loses. - All 13 root servers - This is the biggest aggregation we have - You can see if the problem is global or local - B-root servers loses yesterday 6 o'clock demonstrated. - Going back to general picture - B, D, E (All in US) are effected, K an I not effected so it must be the transatlantic connection problem. - Talking about Measure of the quality of DNS service - You might say looking at the plot you might say where loses are a lot but that might not be right, because only one server is enough to run DNS - What I really want to discuss in the wg is what are the thresholds in this measurements so we can judge the service. - I would like this as a work item: - If you want to know more about the server see me. Audience (from Viena Univ.): An Idea to more abstract aggregation of the plot. so we can have a frame on the plot and watch the curve and when pattern is changed then you can go and see if there is a problem DK: Good idea. However this is only one of the ways. PK: when is it going to be a beta site. DK: hopefully soon. PK: There are more servers then just only roots. DK: yes there are 7 other domains and there is more to come. If you want to be monitored ask me. PK: Did you research the anycast effects. DK: there is no effect. because basically it is a user. It just counts responses. No influence from instances. PK: Coloring might be misleading. DK: This is the way it is for now. Audience: Do you do any correlation on software. DK: There is just just graphical presentations. no statistics. But I can provide the raw data if wanted. Q: does anycasting change the data? A: no, because we just try reachability, so we don't care which instance responds, we just check if there is a response. Q: any correlation between other aspects, like server software and such? A: we could, but we don't at this moment. JR: There are other studies. Did you make any comparing. DK: Defenetly. But first I want to finish this web site. But if there is a feeling if priorities should change let me know. DK: BTW. The site is called Alpha. Data collection is Production quality. END: ==== PK: See you Thursday morning.