A. Administration (5 mins, chairs) Approval of minutes from RIPE 61 Microphone etiquette Thank scribe and jabber monitor B. IPv6 Routing Recommendations (5 mins, Rob Evans) Updated draft for meeting, recommending all routes are registered in IRR. C. Making Distributed Systems Reliable (25 mins, Marco Canini) Of related interest will be the Network Complexity BoF on Monday evening. D. Multi-/Fail-Over Path Routing (7 mins, NLnet Labs) E. Effect of RPKI Deployment Scenarios (7 mins, NLnet Labs) F. RPKI Updates from the RIPE NCC (16 mins, Alex Band) Up/Down Protocol, RIPE NCC "Down" Client, Preventing Data Rot, Validation in the Real World, ROAs and Maximum Length. G. BGPSEC, The Gory Details. (25 mins, Randy Bush) A follow-up from the presentation in the plenary. Z. AOB (Over coffee)